Call for Abstracts Now Open for 2025

ACPNJ Call for Abstracts

Contact information for questions: Zoe Ellis –

The American College of Physicians New Jersey Chapter is issuing a call for abstracts to be considered for inclusion at the 2025 Scientific Meeting. Please see below for requirements and details.

Author Eligibility

All primary authors must be either an ACP Resident or Medical Student Member in good standing and be enrolled in a New Jersey residency program or New Jersey medical school to submit an abstract.

Please note that if the primary author has graduated from their residency program at the time of the Oral / Poster Presentation, the primary author will be unable to present at the

meeting, however, a second resident/student author on the abstract will be eligible to present in their place.

Primary authors are limited to two (2) submissions. The primary or secondary author of any chosen abstract must be prepared to present that abstract as a poster in person at the Scientific Meeting. The meeting will be held on March 14, 2025, at the Marriott Princeton Forrestal, Princeton, NJ.

Abstract Eligibility

Original abstracts that either have or have not been presented at other meetings will be considered. Abstracts previously submitted to either the ACPNJ Scientific Meeting or the National Meeting are not eligible and are subject to disqualification. Presentation of original work at an ACP meeting may, however, jeopardize presentation before another society meeting. Please check with other society rules and regulations. Abstracts are eligible if the abstract has been published; however, abstracts based upon full papers that have been published are not eligible.

Deadline for Submission

Abstracts must be submitted through the portal. The deadline to submit an abstract for both the 2025 Resident/Fellow Members and Medical Students Members is Monday, November 25, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST.

Word Limit

The electronic abstract system will accept approximately 500 words. If you go over the limit, your abstract will remain in draft status and will not be submitted to the competition. Please note, the word limit does not include the title and co-authors. Titles and co-authors are listed in separate fields. References are not required; however, please note that if included, references are counted toward the 500-word limit.

Do not put the abstract title or authors into the abstract text box. Please enter that information in the appropriate fields.

Abstract titles should be submitted with initial capitals and lower-case text (This is How a Title Should Appear).

Categories and Definitions

Abstracts may be submitted under one of the following categories:

Clinical Vignette - a report of one or more cases that illustrates a new disease entity, or a prominent or unusual clinical feature of an established disease. It may include a summary of pertinent patient history, physical findings, laboratory data, or management description.

Clinical Research - Patient-oriented research conducted with human subjects (or on material of human origin) for which an investigator (or colleague) directly interacts with human subjects. This area of research includes mechanisms of human disease; therapeutic interventions; clinical trials; development of new technologies; analysis of existing datasets; epidemiological and behavioral studies; outcomes research, and health services research.

Quality Improvement-Patient Safety - Submissions can report on efforts to improve patient safety or outcomes measurement. Such efforts may be projects developed and initiated to promote patient safety and/or processes that have improved or created a safer environment for patients. Abstracts may also be submitted that relate to the use of outcome data, how to measure and convert data into information.

Abstract Selection and Notification

All submissions will be reviewed and considered for Poster Presentations or Oral Presentations to be held at the ACPNJ Scientific Meeting in March, 2025.

Poster Presentations
The highest scoring abstracts from the initial review will be invited to participate in a Poster Presentation competition. The highest scoring Poster Presentations will be recognized at the Annual Scientific Meeting.

Abstract Submissions Resources:

Click here for a guide on how to create an abstract.