Medical Spanish Course

Welcome to our Medical Spanish series! Here you will find a Spanish curriculum tailored to the medical student experience to help you communicate more easily with patients in both the inpatient and outpatient settings.

Click on the tabs below to access information on HPI, ROS, PE, Anatomy terms, General medication terms, and Diseases. More content upcoming!

HPI - Historia de la enfermedad actual


  • Character: "please describe the pain" --> "por favor describe el dolor"
  • Location: "where is the pain?" --> "dónde está el dolor?"
  • Onset: "when did this start?" --> "Cuando empezo el dolor?"
  • Duration: "how long does the pain last?" --> "Cuanto tiempo dura el dolor?"
  • Intensity: "rate the pain from 1 to 10" --> "Del 1 al 10, que tan intenso es el dolor?"
  • Exacerbation: "does anything make it worse?" --> "Hay algo que empeore el dolor?"
  • Remission: "does anything make it better?" --> "Hay algo que haga mejor el dolor?"
  • Radiation: "does the pain spread anywhere else?" --> "El dolor se extiende a algun otro lugar?"
  • Setting: "where were you or what were you doing when the pain started?" --> "Donde estaba o que estaba haciendo cuando empezo el dolor?"
  • Symptoms: "any other related issues?" --> "Tiene algun otro problema?"
  • Social: "how is this affecting your life?" --> "Como esta afectando esto tu vida?"



  • What medical conditions do you have? --> "Que condiciones medicas tiene?"
  • When were you diagnosed with [condition]? --> "Cuando fue diagnosticado de [condition]?"
  • Have you ever been hospitalized? --> "Alguna vez ha sido hospitalizado?"
  • Did you ever receive blood transfusions? --> "Recibio alguna vez transfusiones de sangre?"



  • Have you ever had any surgeries? --> "Ha tenido algunas cirugias?"
  • Did you have any complications after your surgery? --> "Tuvo alguna complicacion despues de su cirugia?"



  • Where were you born? --> "Donde naciste?"
  • Do you consume alcohol? --> "Consume alcohol?"
    • How often? --> "Con que frecuencia?"
    • How many drinks per week? --> "Cuantas bebidas por semana?"
    • Have you ever had withdrawal from alcohol? --> "Alguna vez ha tenido sintomas de abstinencia?"
    • Have you ever been hospitalized for drinking too much? --> "Alguna vez ha sido hospitalizado por beber demasiado?"
    • CAGE
      • Have you ever felt you needed to cut down on your drinking? --> "Ha sentido que necesita reducir su consumo de alcohol?"
      • Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? --> "Te ha molestado la gente al criticar tu forma de beber?"
      • Have you ever felt guilty about your drinking? --> "Se ha sentido culpable por beber?"
      • Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning? --> "Ha tomado una copa a primera hora de la manana?"
    • Do you use tobacco? Either smoking, chewing, or insufflation? --> "Usa tabaco? Fumar, masticar, o insuflar?"
    • Do you use any other drugs? Cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, PCP, ecstasy, LSD? --> "Usa otras drogas? Cocaina, heroina, metanfetamina, PCP, MDMA, LSD?"
    • What is your job? --> "En que trabaja?"
    • Where do you live? Who do you live with? --> "Donde vive? Con quien vive?"
    • Do you have insurance? --> "Tiene seguro?"
    • Describe your diet. Do you exercise? --> "Describe su dieta. Hacer ejercicio?"



  • How are your parents doing? --> "Como estan tus padres?"
  • Do you have siblings/children? Are they healthy? --> "Tiene hermanos/hijos? Tienen alguna condiciones medicas?"
  • Are there any medical conditions in your family? --> "Hay algunas condiciones medicas en su familia?"


  • Do you have any allergies? --> "Tiene alguna alergias?"
  • What happens when you are exposed to [allergen]? --> "Que pasa cuando esta expuesto?"



  • What medications do you take? --> "Que medicamentos toma?"
  • What is the dose/frequency/route? --> "Cual es la dosis/frequencia/ruta de medicación?"
  • Do you have any side effects? --> "Tiene algunos efectos secundarios?"
  • Do you take any herbal remedies or supplements? --> "Toma algún remedio o suplemento de hierbas?"
Revisión de sistemas - Review of Systems
Physical Exam - Examen físico
Anatomy - La Anatomía
Los Medicamentos - Medications
Las Enfermedades - Diseases
Conjugación de verbos en español-Spanish Verb Conjugation