
Welcome to our Career/Research Mentorship Initiative!

Mentorship from physicians is essential for students to navigate through each phase of their careers and develop their professional identities. Although the onus of seeking out mentorship should be on the student, we wish to lower the barrier to mentorship opportunities through creating a registry of ACPNJ members interested in serving as career and research mentors. This registry will facilitate connections between students and mentors for career guidance and/or research opportunities. We also aim to host monthly ‘Ask Me Anything’ career mentorship sessions on a public forum on the ACPNJ medical student website for all students to benefit from reading about various perspectives and career paths of different physicians.

How can you get started?

Students will be matched with mentors during each academic year. The process involves creating a free profile on ACPNJ to become a member, completing a brief intake survey allowing us to learn more about your interests and career goals, and ranking your top 3 preferred mentors from a de-identified mentor profile registry. To ensure the equitability of the matching process, we then send your de-identified survey responses to your ranked mentors, who will then select their mentees based on goodness of fit. Finally, you and your assigned mentor will then discuss individualized expectations for the mentorship experience based on each mentor’s preferences and bandwidth (rather than our committee establishing general expectations).

Step 1: Sign up to be an ACP NJ member.

Step 2: Chose your top 3 mentors (de-identified) from the list provided here.

Step 3: Complete this student intake survey

Step 4: Sit tight. You will be contacted as soon as you are matched with a mentor!

Due to a limited number of mentors, there is a possibility that some students will not be linked to a mentor during each academic year. Given our commitment to maximize the equitability of mentor linkage, we will de-identify your survey responses and allow mentors to select their mentees rather than have our committee play gatekeeper. All students are also invited to access the monthly ‘Ask Me Anything’ career mentorship sessions as an alternative.