Welcome to The ACPNJ Website!
Welcome to the web site for the New Jersey Chapter of the American College of Physicians. We hope you'll drop in often, both at our web site, and at the national ACP site. The national site offers College news and physician education, as well as a member comment line.
The ACP was founded in 1915 to honor those internists who seemed to especially reflect the ideals of our profession, and to pursue on-going medical education. The ASIM was founded in 1956 seeking to improve the working life of the practicing physician. Members quickly recognized the value of being politically active.
Throughout the 1990's, it became increasingly clear that these two concerns were overlapping--the profession needs political clout, and physicians who want to take the best possible care of their patients need high quality, relevant continuing education. Thus, the successful merger in 1998 of these two important internal medicine organizations-the ACP-ASIM.
This organization works hard to support the physician-patient relationship and the profession of internal medicine. We see increasing diversification among our members and, importantly, among the leadership, that is more reflective of medicine today. There is an increased use of the power of the Internet and e-mail, including legislative link sites and interactive educational programs you can do at home.
As governors, we are to represent the concerns of our chapter to the national staff. We look for your input on local and national political issues relevant to internal medicine. We also need your input on local chapter issues- who do we want to honor with the Laureate award? What speakers or topics do we want at our local meeting? How can we involve students and residents in a meaningful way? Does our chapter have a role in the issue of patient safety, quality improvement? There are many more questions out there we need to explore.
Any suggestions or concerns you have for the chapter or the national organization- please let us know. We look forward to hearing from you.
Sunil Sapru, MD, FACP
New Jersey Chapter Governor, Northern Region
Daniel F. Goldsmith, MD, FACP
New Jersey Chapter Governor, Southern Region
Nayan Kothari, MD, MACP
Immediate Past Governor
For more information on the New Jersey Chapter, please contact Theresa Barrett, PhD, Associate Executive Director