ACPNJ Leadership and Council
Governor, Northern Region
ACPNJ Senior Governor
Sunil Sapru, MD, FACP began his term as Governor in the Spring of 2022. As Governor, Dr. Sapru serves as the official representative of the College for the New Jersey Chapter's Northern Region, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level. To learn more about Dr. Sapru, read his bio here.
Governor, Southern Region
ACPNJ Junior Governor
Daniel Goldsmith, MD, FACP began his term as Governor in the Spring of 2024. As Governor Elect, Dr. Goldsmith is preparing to step into the role of official representative of the College for the New Jersey Southern Chapter, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level. To learn more about Dr. Goldsmith, read his bio here.
Chapter Officers and Council Members
NJ Southern Governor
Daniel Goldsmith, MD, FACP
NJ Northern Governor
Sunil Sapru, MD, FACP
Louis Friedman, DO, FACP
Tamie Proscia-Lieto, MD, MACP
Immediate Past Governor
Nayan Kothari, MD, MACP
Executive Council
Saba Hasan, MD, MACP
Steven Peskin, MD, MACP
Jonathan Shammash, MD, MACP
Sara Wallach, MD, MACP
Governors' Council
Eric Scott Cantor, MD FACP
Elizabeth Cerceo, MD, FACP
Catherine Chen, MD, FACP
Gabriela Ferreira, MD, FACP
Mirela Feurdean, MD, FACP
Ami S. Joshi, DO, MBA, FACP
Anand Kaji, MD
David Kuo, MD, FACP
Gina LaCapra, MD, FACP
Himabindu Lanka, MD, FACP
Jane Neuman, MD, FACP
Kathleen Pergament, DO, FACP
Madeeha Shahzadi, MD, FACP
Dhaval Trivedi, MD
George Wang, MD, FACP
Dominic Zampino, DO, FACP
Early Career Physicians
Ankita Sagar, MD, FACP
Raman Bhalla, MD
Resident Representatives
Sindu Chadalawada, MD
Ayesha Samad, MD
Student Representatives
Bianna Koutsenko
Nada Wahba