Physician Wellness
Personal Wellness Tips

Spiritual wellness is a process of understanding believes, values, and ethics that help guide your life. Whatever your preferred approach, spending time asking and exploring your spiritual live can be an important part to your overall wellbeing.
Maintaining a healthy emotional life is important to overall health. Some ways to stay emotionally healthy are to manage your stress level, stay on top of school work, get eight hours of sleep, or set a therapist at the Counseling Center.
Intellectual wellbeing means staying curious and engaged in learning new things. Engage in creative activities. Read for pleasure, be aware of social and political issues, or join a club that focuses on enhancing intellectual interests.
Physical wellness involves moving your bodies (exercise), eating well-balanced meals (nutrition), sleeping, managing stress, receiving preventive medical and dental care, and getting sexual health screenings when you become sexually active.
Social wellness involves having a strong social network that can give you support and guidance when you are stressed or need stress relief. Additionally, these relationships can aid in the development of healthy relationships.
Environmental wellness means taking care of your global environment and your personal surroundings. De-cluttering your room, recycling your trash or volunteering to clean up your environment can improve health for all.
Financial wellness means taking steps to live within your financial means and living in, and planning for, future financial health. You can do that by planning financially, creating a budget and learning to be a good consumer.
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