Emotional and Occupational Wellbeing

Download and print out the Personal Values Card Sort.

Address negative thoughts – color your outlook, impact emotions, impact reactions

  • Is it true? Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
  • How do you react when you believe that thought?
  • Who would you be without that thought?

Stay present-focused

  • Mindfulness, not relaxation – being aware in each moment
  • Stop, Be, Breathe

Knowing your values – leads to sense of balance, confidence, fulfillment

  • Download and print out the "Personal Values Card Sort," as a means to remind you what is and isn't important in your life.

Practice daily gratitude – shift view to more optimistic

  • Three things each morning (i.e. – “health of my family” or “the sun is out today”)
  • Five reasons you are grateful for your job (i.e – “Cool colleagues to spend time with” or “opportunity to interact and help others daily”)

Occupational Wellness

  • Connect with Co-workers, communicate and collaborate with others

  • Find the benefits and positives in your job

  • Set small and larger goals for your occupational path

  • Increase your skills and knowledge to advance your occupational wellness goals

  • Create a healthy work-life balance

8 TED Talks About Work/Life Balance That'll Change the Way You Think

Click to read the story