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About the Cancer Society
Who We Are
The American Cancer Society is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Our Global Headquarters are located in Atlanta, Georgia, and we have regional and local offices throughout the country to ensure we have a presence in every community. Learn more about who we are, what we do, and our plans for the future by exploring the areas below.
Our Mission
See how, locally and internationally, the American Cancer Society strives to live by a clearly defined set of goals and ideals.
Our Core Values
We use these values as a light to guide our way through our decision making and planning.
American Cancer Society Fact Sheet
View a summary of how the American Cancer Society is organized and how we operate.
What We Do
Learn how we save lives every day as we work to create a world free from the pain and suffering from cancer.
Our History
Explore the early days of the American Cancer Society, including how we got started, our first cancer education campaign, and early advances in cancer research.
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