Congratulations to our new Governor-elect Designee of the New Jersey Northern Chapter!
Sunil Sapru, MD, FACP
Medical School Education: Government Medical College, Srinagar, India
Post- Doctoral Training: Saint Barnabas Medical Center, NJ
Board Certifications: ABIM 2002
Present Employment Position: Program Director, Internal Medicine, Saint Barnabas Medical Center, NJ
ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities: Secretary, Governor's Council; Active Participant, Planning and Execution, Chapter Activities; Member, Education Committee, Strategic Pillar of Education; Presenter, Educational Activities (highly rated SEP Modules, Resident and Student Mentorship for Poster and Abstracts), Annual Scientific Meeting 2017; Laureate Award 2017; Collaborator (with other council members), Work to secure Chapter Excellence award and the John Tooker Evergreen Award; Participant, Advocacy Activities; Member, Advocates for Internal Medicine Network
ACP National Activities: Fellowship 2008; Preceptor, Training, Herbert S. Waxman Clinical Skills Center, Internal Medicine Meeting; Reviewer, Abstracts and Posters, Internal Medicine Meeting; Supporter and Sponsor of Candidates for award of Mastership (MACP); Advocate, Important Policy Issues; Member, Group serving as liaison with the Royal college of Physicians of Edinburgh, UK
Other Appointments/Activities: Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine (APDIM); Graduate Medical Education Committee, Saint Barnabas Medical Center; Ethics Committee, Saint Barnabas Medical Center; Patient Safety Committee, Saint Barnabas Medical Center
Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise: Undergraduate and Post-graduate Medical Education; CME Activities for Internists; Advocacy for patient welfare issues and for raising the profile of Internal Medicine and Primary care
Candidate Statement: I seek election to the Board of Governors to advance the work of internal medicine – the care of adults. Fundamentally, this work relies on the promotion of life-long learning, the development of resources to assist the internist in care of the patient and the formation of sound health policy sensitive to societal needs and concerns. To that end I have spent the last 20 years working to help medical students and residents develop into knowledgeable, thoughtful and analytical clinicians and clinical investigators. I have served my hospital in its effort to enhance the quality and safety of patient care. And I have worked with American College of Physicians to develop educational programs for annual chapter and national meetings. Moreover, I have advocated at the state and national level to highlight the special role of the internist in patient care.