
ACP-NJ YouTube Channel

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Welcome to the web site for the New Jersey Chapter of the American College of Physicians. We hope you’ll drop in often, both at our web site, and at the national ACP site. The national site offers College news and physician education, as well as a member comment line.

The ACP was founded in 1915 to honor those internists who seemed to especially reflect the ideals of our profession, and to pursue on-going medical education.The ASIM was founded in 1956 seeking to improve the working life of the practicing physician. Members quickly recognized the value of being politically active.

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ACP-NJ Speakers Bureau

ACP-NJ has created a database of members available to present on various topics for Grand Rounds as well as other CME and clinical education programs.

The database is in beta testing, so please help us test it by searching and utilizing this resource. Read more

Join the ACP Chronic Pain Program Now!

The New Jersey Chapter of the American College of Physicians (ACPNJ) is partnering with the national Center for Quality at ACP and the New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians (NJAFP) to offer a nine-month quality improvement (QI) project with primary care physicians focused on managing chronic pain.

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Advocacy in Action

advo_hmpg_advocacyImportant advocacy events include Leadership Day – ACP Services Inc.’s annual advocacy day on Capitol Hill, and ACP’s annual State of the Nation’s Healthcare briefing.